Load Testing Performance Measurement of PHP Frameworks (CakePHP and CodeIgniter) in Relation to Object-Relational Mapping

Thesis on its own level advanced

Information technology is playing a significant role in fostering corporate innovation. Web development has grown in importance as the need for information technology has increased. PHP is an open source programming language that is frequently used in web development. PHP is used to create dynamic web pages and can communicate with databases.


PHP has certain useful characteristics, such as cross-platform interoperability, scalability, and quick execution, and it is an open source technology. These characteristics make PHP a suitable choice for web development for developers. If PHP is utilized without its frameworks, application maintenance becomes complex and performance suffers significantly. To address these difficulties, web development groups on the internet have produced many frameworks.


The Model, View, Controller design pattern underpins these frameworks. To minimise development time, these frameworks provide several common functionality and classes in the form of aids, components, and plug-ins. These frameworks are commonly used for PHP web development because to qualities such as robustness, scalability, maintainability, and performance, with performance being the most significant criterion.


Objectives: The purpose of this thesis is to examine and contrast the impact of data abstraction layers (ORM) on the performance of two PHP frameworks. CakePHP and CodeIgniter are the two frameworks. CAKEPHP framework has object-relational mapping (ORM) functionality, but CodeIgniter does not include ORM support (ORM). To assess the performance of these two frameworks, we evaluated load and stress testing.


Methods: We ran the experiment to compare the performance of the CakePHP (ORM) and CodeIgniter (no ORM) frameworks. We created two apps in both PHP frameworks with the same scope and design and tested their performance in terms of load testing using automated testing tools. The outcomes were acquired by evaluating the performance of both programmes on local and live servers.. 



We determined from our analysis that CodeIgniter is suitable for small and medium-sized projects. However, CAKEPHP development is suitable for big and enterprise-level applications, since it outperformed CodeIgniter in stress tests on both local and live environments.


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